Kjeppkinesen HOCKEY Grymma tankar Hockey! Det bor sannerligen en liten filosof där inne hos dig. Jag tror som du jag med. Nickname När AI:n uppger fel info så kan man uppmärksamma den på det och i bästa fall ändrar AI:n infon till vad som är korrekt.
Hank HOCKEY Samma typ av frågor lär man ju kunna ställa om spelare för att hitta intressanta kombinationer och troliga matchningar. Nyfiken på om @Hank ser något intressant användningsområde redan i närtid? Imponerande AI, och rolig att leka lite med. Utvecklingen går riktigt snabbt just nu. Min favorit är ju denna, från samma utvecklare. Det hade varit spännande att sätta upp två lag att spela hockey istället för Hide and Seek. Passade på att ställa några frågor på skoj. Bästa sätt att formera ett backpar: In ice hockey, the ideal defender pair is typically composed of two players who complement each other’s skills and abilities. A good defender pair typically consists of one defenseman who is more offensive-minded and another who is more defensive-minded. The offensive-minded defenseman is typically a player who is skilled at moving the puck up the ice, making accurate passes, and joining the rush. They may also be responsible for running the team’s power play. The defensive-minded defenseman is typically a player who is strong in the defensive zone, capable of shutting down opposing forwards and breaking up plays. They may also be responsible for killing penalties. Ideally, the two players in a defender pair should be able to communicate well and work together effectively to support each other and the team. They should also be able to adapt to different situations and opponents, and be able to contribute offensively and defensively as needed. Bästa sätt att formera en kedja: In ice hockey, the ideal line of three forwards is typically composed of players who complement each other’s skills and abilities. A good forward line typically consists of a center who is responsible for faceoffs and playmaking, a left winger who is skilled at scoring goals and making plays, and a right winger who is a strong skater and physical presence. The center is typically the leader of the line and is responsible for controlling the puck and setting up scoring chances for the other two forwards. They should be strong skaters, good stickhandlers, and good passers. The left winger is typically a player who is skilled at scoring goals and making plays. They should have a good shot and be able to find open space on the ice to get scoring chances. The right winger is typically a player who is a strong skater and physical presence. They should be able to use their speed and strength to win battles for the puck and create scoring chances for themselves and their teammates. Ideally, the three players on a forward line should be able to work together effectively to support each other and the team. They should also be able to adapt to different situations and opponents, and be able to contribute offensively and defensively as needed. Bästa sätt att att komma till bra målchanser: There are several strategies that a team can use in ice hockey to create scoring chances with a high probability of success. Some of the most effective strategies include: Cycling the puck: This involves moving the puck around the offensive zone and maintaining possession, with the goal of wearing down the opposing team’s defense and creating scoring chances through sustained pressure. Driving to the net: This involves players skating hard to the front of the net and positioning themselves for scoring chances, often by redirecting shots or rebounds. Setting up in the offensive zone: This involves players positioning themselves in the offensive zone and working the puck around, looking for open teammates or shooting lanes. Using the power play: A team that has a man advantage (i.e. a power play) has an opportunity to set up in the offensive zone and work the puck around, looking for scoring chances. Forechecking: This involves applying pressure to the opposing team’s defense in the offensive zone, with the goal of forcing turnovers and creating scoring chances. Transitioning from defense to offense: This involves quickly transitioning from defense to offense by moving the puck up the ice and establishing possession in the offensive zone. Overall, the key to creating high-probability scoring chances in ice hockey is to maintain possession of the puck, control the play, and outwork the opposing team. Vad är xG och dess concept: xG (expected goals) is a statistical measure used in ice hockey (and other sports) to evaluate the quality of scoring chances and predict the likelihood of a goal being scored. It is based on the idea that not all scoring chances are created equal, and that some chances are more likely to result in a goal than others. In ice hockey, xG is calculated by analyzing a variety of factors that contribute to the likelihood of a goal being scored, such as the location of the shot, the type of shot (e.g. wrist shot, slap shot, etc.), the angle and distance of the shot, the presence of a screen or rebound, and so on. The data is then used to assign a probability value to each scoring chance, with higher values indicating a higher likelihood of a goal being scored. xG can be used to evaluate a player’s or team’s offensive performance, as well as to identify patterns or trends in a team’s scoring chances. It is also used to help predict the outcome of future games, as teams with a higher xG are generally expected to score more goals. Overall, xG is a useful tool for analyzing and understanding the quality of scoring chances in ice hockey, and can provide valuable insights into a team’s offensive performance and potential.
alfie Fascinerande att vi faktiskt bara torskat 2 av 13 matcher under ordinarie tid hemma i Saaben. Båda gånger är det rejäla överkörningar (Skank 2-6 och Malmö 1-6).
[raderad] Plus/minus (med fler än 10 matcher) Sämst: Rattie -10 , Ljungh -8 , Junland -8. Bäst: Costmar +4 , Gallo +1, Ehn +1 Tycker det är rätt talande även om statistiken självklart inte säger allt. De som ska bära laget är sämst gällande 5v5.
edenbrah Såg man på Ratties backcheck på 1-1 målet igår, bedrövligt! Hoppas han fick höra hur odugligt det var om han nu inte fattade det själv
MakeClubenGreatAgain Vad säger statistiken om lhcs passningsspel i jämförelse med andra shl lag? Min känsla är att vi ofta slår felpassar i mittzon och får börja om. Eller i värsta fall (även om jag ser viss förbättring) slår ganska mycket felpass i egen zon så till den grad att vi hjälper motståndare att skapa lägen, dvs vi är svaga på att spela oss ur presspel. Någon med siffror som kan bevisa/motbevisa den tesen?
Lukkinen Våra special teams ser rätt bra ut nu! PP, 6a med 24,39% BP, 3a med 80,41% PP + BP, 2a med 104,8%
Metallica Delad femteplats i hemmatabellen också. 10 vinster på 16 försök. För en gångs skull är uttrycket “hemmaborgen” på sociala medier faktiskt befogat.
Metallica @Hank har du tillgång till någon statistik för poäng per 60 min för truppen? Vore ändå ganska relevant nu när det börjar fyllas på bland forwards och några behöver petas framöver.
LaumannBingo Hank Intressant att Bystedt som många säger ska lyfta vår offensiv nu efter JVM ligger så pass lågt
Hank LaumannBingo Ja, sett till spel i lika styrka har han producerat i precis samma nivå som Maxwell och Costmar. Däremot har han producerat 7 poäng i power play.
Jocke LaumannBingo Jämfört med exempelvis Ljungh och Strandberg? Han är 18, med potential som vida överstiger våra två toppcentrar. Den potentialen blommar om han ges chansen, och med rätt omgivning.
Hank Hank För övrigt ligger alla våra centrar i spannet 0,28 - 0,35 poäng per 20 spelade minuter i lika styrka…